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Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:08 pm
by Control
"The Wildlife Trusts are calling for at least 30% of our land and sea to be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030" -

I think, if that's the case, then it's necessary for the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts to maintain a public database and map on the Internet showing all our land and sea which is presently connected and protected for nature’s recovery, together with a large number and a percent sign. And probably a graph of percent by time showing how much progress is being made month by month.

Clearly the 30% target isn't land under management by the Wildlife Trusts. We're in 2023 at the moment and the land under Trust management across the UK is 0.4%. I don't have a figure for the sea unless it's 0%. But being under management by the Trust isn't the thing being tracked, or more to the point not tracked. It's "all our land and sea which is presently connected and protected for nature’s recovery", "our" being a euphemism for land in general. Not land accessible to the public, just land presently connected and protected for nature’s recovery. And sea.

So. What is presently connected and protected for nature’s recovery? I have absolutely no idea at all, but if the Wildlife Trusts are aiming for 30% of all UK land and sea to qualify by 2030 they definitely already know how to measure it. All they need to do now is to add the current % and the graph to their #30by30 page, innit.

This year, please. It's important.